
HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

Resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting of HKScan Corporation

HKScan Corporation             Stock Exchange Release      11 April 2019          16:00 EEST

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| Stock Releases

CEO Tero Hemmilä’s review at HKScan’s Annual General Meeting

HKScan Corporation, Stock Exchange Release, 11 April 2019, 10:00 (EEST)

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

Changes in HKScan’s management

HKScan Corporation          Stock Exchange Release          3 April 2019               13:05 (EEST)

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| Stock Releases

HKScan has completed statutory negotiations in Finland

HKScan Corporation, Stock exchange release, 3 April 2019 13:00 (EEST)

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| Stock Releases

Notice of the Annual General Meeting

HKScan Corporation          Stock exchange release           15 March 2019     10:00 (EET)

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| Stock Releases

HKScan’s Annual Report for 2018 has been published

HKScan Corporation                           Stock exchange release   13 March 2019 11:00 (EET)

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| Stock Releases

HKScan aims to improve its competitiveness in all its markets

HKScan Corporation, Stock exchange release, 6 February 2019, at 8:05 EET

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

Resolutions passed by the Extraordinary General Meeting of HKScan Corporation

HKScan Corporation, Stock Exchange Release, 30 January 2019, 13:00 EET

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| Stock Releases

Tero Hemmilä takes over as HKScan Corporation’s CEO on 4 February 2019

HKScan Corporation, Stock Exchange Release, 30 January 2019 at 9.00 EET

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| Stock Releases

Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting

HKScan Corporation          Stock exchange release           7 January 2019     15:30 (EET) 

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| Stock Releases

Changes in HKScan’s Board of Directors

HKScan Corporation             Stock exchange release                                  14 December 2018 at 16:30 (EET)

2018HKScan TeroHemmilä
| Stock Releases

Tero Hemmilä appointed HKScan’s President and CEO

HKScan Corporation           Stock exchange release             28 November 2018 at 12:00 EET

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

Changes in HKScan’s Board of Directors and Management

HKScan Corporation           Stock exchange release                 27 November 2018, at 17:00 EET

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| Stock Releases

HKScan Group’s Interim Report 1 January–30 September 2018: Result still in loss – the 40 meur efficiency improvement programme proceeds

HKScan Corporation             Interim Report release                      7 November 2018               at 8:00 EET

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| Stock Releases

HKScan’s statutory negotiations have ended; production operations to be rationalised in Finland

HKScan Corporation                Stock Exchange Release               10 October 2018                           8:30 a.m. (EET)